Friday, February 18, 2011

Notice Edu Science Telescope

Sloppy Joe Pot Pie

A few days ago I laughed at Laura's in the Real Mom Kitchen Sloopy Joe Pot Pie . Before the recipe falls into the depths of the RezkonvSuite recipe management into oblivion, I heard it this nachgekocht same.

The specified at Sloppy Joe Sauce Laura I replaced with an adapted recipe from Ezra Pound Cake and the pre-packaging Biscuitteig I've also replaced by a recipe from there . My biscuits are not so beautiful high as that of Rebecca, but on the Sloppy Joe made the flat bread even better.

Because my whole thing seemed a little heavy on meat, I have put some quartered tomatoes into the forms. They made themselves very well to the "inertia". A salad would also fit well.

After baking, you should still sprinkle some cheese over the pot pie, which I have forgotten as well as the herbs on the tomatoes before baking.

Miss K. was enthusiastic, it has been a great treat. The men come until tonight to enjoy.

Although the recipe is a little long, was the food including baking time after one hour complete.

========== REZKONV-Rezept - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Sloppy Joe Pot Pie Küchengeister
Kategorien: Hack, Auflauf
Menge: 4 servings


650 Gramm Hack
2 Zwiebeln, gewürfelt
1 Essl. Olivenöl
50 Gramm Geriebenen Parmesan
250 Gramm Mehl (Typ 550)
1 teaspoon baking powder
55 grams butter, cold rolled, about 1x1 cm
230 grams buttermilk
250 grams tomato puree
1 Tbsp. Br
sugar 1 / 2 tsp salt
quarter Tsp white wine vinegar
1 / 4 tsp mustard
a splashes Tabaso
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
Something Piment d'Espelette
quartered tomatoes
Sea salt
olive oil


idea for the Sloppy Joe Pot Pie: http://realmomkitchen .
recipe for Biscuits adapted from here: http://www.
recipe for the sauce adapted from here: http://www.
Edited * RK * 02/18/2011 by


Hack fry in oil, add onions and fry. Season to taste with salt, pepper and paprika.
from the tomato puree and the spices mix a sauce, season to taste and add half of it, and a little ketchup to the meat. Fold in Parmesan.
The Hack mixture into a large casserole or more separate forms to fill
oven Preheat to 250 degrees.
flour with baking powder and the coarse rub of butter into the flour mixture. The knobs of butter should not be too small or melt.
the butter milk until the dough briefly. The very soft dough on a well floured surface knead again briefly until a coherent dough.
the dough on a floured surface to about 1.5 cm thick, flatten or roll out. Cut out circles with a cookie cutter
. The cookie cutter (in this dessert ring 8cm) should not be twisted.
The circles lay on the ground beef.
I also have cut the remaining pieces of dough to size and distributed among the ramekins.
tomato quarters to around biscuits distribute Drizzle sparingly with oil and season with salt and herbs.
The shapes in the oven. Bake at 250 ° C for about 20 minutes until the dough is lightly browned. The rest of the sauce served separately
to Sloppy Joe's.


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