Monday, February 14, 2011

6 Month Dental Recall

For My Valentine ...

... there is tonight a soup bowl filled with roasted almonds. The fact he likes very much. Unauthorized person is reading and he also made it today and verblogt.

long time ago (probably even a few years, time is running) I have ever tried roasted almonds to machen.Das back then but unfortunately not so successful. The tonsils looked like the gingerbread almonds on the second picture and we were pretty disappointed because we just like the bright, crisp sugar crust.

Now I know that you once the liquid has evaporated and the sugar begins to caramelize must be very careful so that the crust crumbly sugar does not melt away again.

As you can see, unfortunately, the gingerbread almonds also benefits knowledge and watch anything sometimes. Here the crust melted sugar so quickly that it was too late in seconds. The children will not interfere with the safe ...

The idea for the gingerbread almonds I have of the rock kitchen found, but I have used for both productions, the recipe from Nicky from the book delicious days and then added only the gingerbread spice to it. In the coming

managed by Alice Valentine's event in Zorra's pot determined back together many great treats.

Blog-Event LXIV - Valentinstag kulinarisch (Einsendeschluss 16. Februar 2011)

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Roasted Almonds Delicious Days
categories: sweets, almonds
Quantity: 1 recipe


125 grams sugar 150g sugar here
2 Tbsp. vanilla sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract here
1/2-1 tsp cinnamon powder
200 grams unskinned almonds
100 grams water


from cookbook delicious days of Nicole Stich
Edited * RK * 01/28/2010 by first


Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
second Water, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla in a large pan bring to a boil. Then add the almonds and, stirring occasionally continue to boil.
third After 5-10 minutes, the liquid boils away and the almonds are dry Voon a sugar crust surrounded.
4th Now, Reduce temperature and stir gently on. The sugar crust melts into caramel and lies at the stir the almonds.
5th Pour the almonds on the prepared baking sheet and separate with two forks quickly from each other.
respect with your fingers touch, the sugar is very hot! Sivi
Note: If you prefer
almonds with a light, crumbly sugar crust strength should like to point 3, the pan can only very briefly on the stove and very careful.


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