Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hunter Fan 3 Pole Switch Wiring

Even fish ...

In the last 14 days there were even two times fish. If otherwise rarely before, but with the delicious recipes for Skrei here, here and since then I have added to the weekly market. Only for Mr K. and me. Junior eats on market day in school and to Miss K. Fish sticks are the ultimate expression of feelings and even more than once a quarter.

I have largely kept to the recipe from Arthur's daughter . The fish tasted great, but a big hit here was the sauce. We have enjoyed the fish twice so far with varying side dishes.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Skrei with dill sauce
categories: fish sauce
Quantity: 2 servings


100 grams cream
250 grams veal stock
50 grams white wine
2 tsp Dill (TK)


modified http://arthurstochterkocht.blogspot after
. com/2011/01/ich-mach-
mal skraison.html
Edited * RK * 16/02/2011 by

My preparation pieces were cut like salmon steaks, then had all round skin. The crispy skin
eat with absolutely! Preheat oven to 70 °
to heat an oven dish with.
butter in a frying pan and fry the salted and peppered fish around. From each side 3-4 minutes. First, with a lot of heat, but then reduce the temperature quickly.
the oven warm to 60 ° C, put into a plate and melt butter in a frying lard. The Skrei on the skin brown, about 4 minutes at 3 / 4 heat. The bottom of this salt and pepper.
place after frying the fish on the preheated mold in the oven. Deglaze the drippings with
Fund and something to cook. White wine and boil and add cream. With salt and Pfefferabschmecken, stir in the dill and the fish reduced.
was given it risotto with porcini mushrooms.
The sauce is a big hit.


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