Thursday, February 24, 2011

Church Anniversary Theme An Program Ideas

inspiration and post my entry for "Irish Teddy's"

Hello my dear blog Readers!

First of all many thanks for your nice comments, it is nice to know that there are so many interested readers and writers comment on my blog that is doing really well ..... and also gives each new drive to stamp and potter ...... I say Thank you for you time take my blog, I'll cuddle times from a distance!

But my time is currently a bit too limited ......

Oh, I'm so excited and you absolutely must tell why.

In March I have with my belly dance troupe performed a very large and there are currently lots of extra rehearsals and costume sewing on my program ..... it is equal to the first rehearsal in the hall, where our belly dance festival is held ... .... I'm all jittery and excited ...

If you like, then click but talk . .....

This is the homepage of our belly dance troupe.

But before I now equal to the 1 Dress rehearsal disappear, but still I want to show you some "creative" from me.

The love Moni has with the "creative Quasseltanten're an inspiration post called, and I was one of the lucky ones who got quite wonderful material for a map of Moni.

love Moni, again many thanks for the wonderful material, I very much fun to potter about it ..........

here briefly to explain again, what's the inspiration post.

So, the love Moni material has put together a card and sent this time to three participants, the same material. The object of the Participants was to potter it into a card. Join

I want with my card at the following challenge:

Here, the skit ....

And look at my implementation of .....

A Detail ......

Here the beautiful crochet flower ..... the inspiration for my
this material was ....

And here the motif times to get closer ..... Used
I have the materials, which the love
Moni has sent me, and I've colored with
paper wipers and white spirit.

nice that you've looked back at me over.
I say many thanks for your visit on my blog and for looking.

About your kind and nice comments I would be pleased, of course, as always.

And on weekends, I will visit your blog again then finally, I hope I do not be angry that I have not done this week so visit your blog and comment ...... but it will get better promise!

Now I wish you a nice evening I'm leaving now to the 1 Rehearsal expresses me the fingers crossed that all goes well, so until then, it makes good bye says your


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