Sunday, February 20, 2011

Abs Ok For Potato Cannon

My contribution to the Challenge # 19 in the "creative stamp Friends" .......

Hello my dear blog readers!

I hope you all had a great weekend!

But tell me once, where is only the time ........... but it's actually already around two weeks.

Today we start already with the 19th Challenge on the "Creative Creative stamp stamp Friends Friends."

I want to thank you most sincerely thank you for your participation. It gives me great pleasure to visit your blog and I look at your works. I'll cuddle all the time dolle all for it ......... and we hope you will continue to be so true .........

Now I want to tell you, but finally, what is the challenge of 19th

I should be delighted, of course, when the 19th Challenge of you will also be adopted as and you pressed creative.

This time it says:


So let your imagination free run and made a map, a packing, an ATC, a notebook or something similar, where you can see something as Plaid. the paper, Flowers, ribbon, buttons, etc. We are already looking forward to your works. So please look at

"Creative Friends stamp - stamp Creative Friends" by and participate!

There are in addition to the top 3 to win something. Because this time supports and sponsors the love Betty of "Betty's Creations" the 19th Challenge with a very cute stamps, I think.

I would like to participate with my card or at the following challenge:

NSS - Sketch and self-made background

example, the sketch looks ......

have my HG paper I first made after the mud technique and then stamped with the Stempelchen of Betty's Creations ....... but you better check yourself

Here is my reaction to ....

time to get closer .......

Here you can even made my background paper identify quite well ....

Here is a Detailaufnahe the subject .......
following materials I used:
Stamp: Bettys Creation, Stamp Francisco LOTV text stamp
Colors: Memento Tuxedo Black and
Stampin! "Olive green and brown"

different colors of Distress Ink
paper: Cardstock Cardstock Bazzill and Stampin 'Up,
index cards, homemade HG, Designerpaier?
punch: Martha Stewart ,
Embellishments: Ribbon, gems, button
Coloration: Copic and Twinkling H2O

I say many thanks for your visit on my blog and for looking.

About your kind and nice comments I would certainly, as always, does very freuen.Das always be of your kind words and feedback to read, thank you ......

And do not forget to "creative stamp Friends - Friends Creative stamp" look over, I would be very happy!

Now I wish you a great Monday and a good start into the new week, so until then, it makes good bye says your


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