Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tulips For Wedding Arrangements

The best cookies in 2010 after Christmas

brûlée With cream for 10 people was exceptionally a lot of protein left. Otherwise, it's me always so that I need protein and not know what to do with the yolk.

I had some pre-selected cookie recipes for the Christmas season, but once again baked only a fraction of it actually. From these recipes now Almond Cloud Cookies were used.

The recipe I reduced the sugar high. Marzipan I like very much, but I do not really have marzipan sweet enough. Since I will not also turn a lot of sugar.

The children and Mr. K. Almond Cloud Cookies unanimously chose the best cookies this year, they will be incorporated into the permanent program.

If I marzipan stock again filled up, I'll still try the lemon version.

Another protein destruction were there Macarons (as required without charge) and mini-meringue.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Almond Cloud Cookies
categories: cookies, almonds, marzipan
Quantity: 25-30 servings


300 grams marzipan
60 grams almonds
90 grams sugar
1 / 2 tsp bitter almond oil
80 grams protein (2 large eggs)
a pinch of salt


modified after

Edited * RK * 28/12/2010 by beating


egg whites, but maybe too stiff.

marzipan, almonds and sugar in food processor beat crumbly.

fold in the egg white.

place with a teaspoon of elongated piles on the baking sheet and bake until the edges are light brown at 170 ° for about 18-22 minutes. let

on the panel to cool for about 5 minutes, then set to cool on wire rack.

Note: The best cookies 2010th

* The traditional version of these cookies with a touch of lemon or orange. Use 1 / 8 teaspoon lemon or orange oil instead of bitter almonds, if desired.

* To Chocolate Almond Cloud Cookies, 1 cup chocolate chips to the dough right after you have added the protein. Bake as directed. Yield: 28 Cookies.

* Do you want to make Italian pignoli cookies? With about 2 / 3 cup (3 1 / 2 ounces) pine nuts (pignoli), dip the tops of unbaked cookies in the nuts. Flatten it gently on the baking sheet and bake as directed.



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