Monday, December 27, 2010

Campfire Cooking Equipment

Christmas dessert

We think there are always fondue on Christmas Eve, after all are almost always more than satisfied. Therefore, there should be a small, properly prepared dessert. Here, the portions would have liked to be greater because it was so delicious.

As Gaby last week in Crockyblog their Christmas dessert pre-release I knew what I wanted to do, I turned in Bratapfelkompott Gaby's Tiramisu with Cinnamon Panna Cotta. The ladyfingers were replaced with almond biscuits. Thanks to Gaby for the idea and the early test.

the Kekskrümmel I had given to the compote, which meant that they were swimming in the Panna Cotta. To prevent this, the crumbs are layered with the compote. The recipe I have already modified.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Panna Cotta with Almond Bratapfelkompott
categories: dessert, apple
Quantity: 6 small servings


12 almond biscuits biscuits
H almond
50 grams sugar
50 grams almonds
2 tsp butter
for an appropriate amount rich compote
- probably 300g apples
1.2 kg russet apples, washed and coarsely chopped
50 grams chopped almonds
100 Gramm Weiche Rosinen
1 / 2 today. Zimt
1 Prise Lebkuchengewürz
100 Gramm Zucker
Messersp 1. Gemahlene Vanille
H Panna Cotta
400 ml Sahne
50 Gramm
sugar 1 / 4 tsp cinnamon
2-3 grams agar-agar
1 / 2 tsp vanilla essence


on an idea from the Crockyblog -
baked apple tiramisu /
Edited * RK * 27/12/2010 by counter weight

making biscuits in a plastic bag, tightly sealed zerkrümmeln not the biscuits with a rolling pin to finely .
For Bratapfelkompott:
sugar in one, for the apples, karamelliesieren sufficiently large pot can be light brown. The apple pieces and a little water to deglaze, add. Stir so that the caramel dissolves, add the almonds, raisins and spices and cook until the apples are cooked. Do not boil too much . Let Set aside to cool.
For the Panna Cotta:
Heat cream with sugar, cinnamon and vanilla, then the agar-agar and boil according to package directions for 2 minutes.
for the almond butter and sugar melt in a pan. Fold in almonds and heat with little light brown can. The almond mixture on a baking sheet streak as thin as possible and let cool. The almond brittle into bite-sized pieces to break.
Assembly: Spread crumbs evenly
onto waiting dessert glasses and give apple sauce on it. On the apple compote
carefully pour the panna cotta and then at least 4 hours, more than Night, leave in refrigerator to solidify.
Directly before serving, the almond panna cotta to create scatter.
tastes wonderful. In a not so lush, the food portions are larger like. With 2-3g agar-agar, the Panna Cotta is pleasantly creamy, you can overthrow the dessert so but probably not. One should not give the compote Kekskrümmel because otherwise they float in the Panna Cotta.


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