Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Morrowind In Russian To English

of summer berries to Christmas tangerines

The cheese cake cream cheese, it was the other day at Ulrike had remained in my memory and I wanted to bake for Christmas coffee. When reading I had to find that "recently" was in August and Ulrich had served the cake as summer berries and cream cheese slices .

I have modified the cake a bit wintry and can only recommend him. He's really any of the many calories worth. We got more out of the 12 slices of 25 cm long cake out. It then distributes the calories a bit better.

The Scottish shortbread I have insufficient assets to 100g of which ausgetauscht.Vielleicht with 52 teeth and 100g of the remaining Mandelspekulatuis it is the exchange, at least 200g Kekskrümmel were too much. Thus, the tin was already half full. I finally used only 150g and 75g butter mixed Kekskrümmel and my dough is rather thicker than that of Ulrike. But this is not a problem as Keksböden are very popular.

The summer berries, I exchanged for a Christmas spiced mandarin sauce, which fits in very well, but unfortunately was a little too thick.

The cake is very variable and it is sure to give him back here. In a circular form as a pie he makes is determined also good. The recipe is already corrected amount.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: cream cheese cake with Christmas Mandarin Sauce
categories: cake, cheese cake, orange
Quantity: 1 recipe


75 grams butter cookies
75 grams Mandelspekualtius
75 grams butter, melted
600 grams cream cheese
200 grams crème fraîche
a tsp vanilla extract
175 grams sugar
2 Tbsp. rice flour
2 eggs, size M
350 grams tangerine juice, fresh
10-15 grams pressed cornstarch
a pinch of cardamom According
1 pinch According carnations
a pinch of cinnamon
a pinch According star anise


Good Food Magazine, August 2010, p. 70
Christmas modified

Edited * RK * 14/08/2010 by
Ulrike Westphal


first Preheat the oven to 180 ° C / 160 ° C hot air / gas 4th A box shape of 25.5 x 11 x 7.5 cm thick and line with parchment paper.

Biscuits process either with the food processor or with a rolling pin in the plastic bag - into fine crumbs. Add the melted butter and mix well. pressed on the bottom of the loaf pan and place the form in the refrigerator.

second The Frischkäes, crème fraîche, vanilla extract and sugar, stir smooth. Then blend in flour and eggs until a smooth dough. The mixture in the Keksboden indicate in the box and bake 10 minutes.

fan then the oven temperature to 120 ° C / Fan 100 ° C / gas ½ and 1 hour 20 mins Cook until the cheese is set and only a little wobble in the middle. The oven and cool the cake issue in the oven. When the cake has cooled, take out of the mold in the fridge cool.

third For the topping the starch with a little tangerine juice resolve all remaining tangerine juice, bring to a boil and stir the juice with the starch. Short boil and let cool slightly. The sauce to cheese slices rich. Ev. Mandarin Fillets yet to do so.



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