Monday, December 13, 2010

Desert Eagle Airsoft Preço

shaved noodles

When 4th Hamburg-boiled meeting I met the love Ingrid, who had flown in from Stuttgart to us for cooking. As she travels with genuine Swabian spaetzle board and scrapers. As Miss K.

with my noodles, which are actually more Knöpfle, not really happy, I was very interested to look at me Ingrid's spaetzle board.

Ingrid did not know exactly where they had appointed their board, but they told of a special artisans, the Schnefler that produces these boards. With this information and the help of Aunt Googel I found the Spätzle.eba-Verlag quickly and ordered a board.

The Black Forest Spaetzle board runs on the whole and is tapered to a point not only at the end, as I have seen others in the network offered noodles boards.

weekend I made the first attempt Spätle scrape off the board. The recipe has Ingrid mailed me and it worked very well.

It went with me, not so fast as Mrs. Lutz that sounds exactly like my great-aunt, but like Mrs. Lutz in slow motion, but that can still be better.

The long noodles tasted very good child and was satisfied. And a simple board and a spatula is also much easier to make clean, as the various other utensils, which I've tried. It is soon to bid at € bay.

addition, there was Mr K. sizzling delicious ham roast.

Many thanks to Ingrid for the recipe and the tips.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: Spätzle for scraping
Categories : pasta, noodles
Quantity: 1 recipe


200 grams egg (about 3 - 4 eggs, depending on size)
200 grams wheat flour (405er) - I've already proportionately
- with extractor
hard wheat flour experimented
5-8 grams Common salt (about 1 / 2 - teaspoon 2/3tel)
nutmeg or mace


recipe from Ingrid
Edited * RK * 13/12/2010 by


per person charged is around 1 egg, stirring Everything
and beat until the dough blisters (preferably with a wooden spoon with a hole) the dough for half an hour to swell.
gradually to boiling salted water clean shave (to 1.5 liters of water about 10-15 grams of salt) or pure press. Briefly brought to the fore and take out with slotted spoon for further use.


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