Saturday, November 27, 2010

Word Tool Word Frequency Charts

Dat nothing more: (

Good morning, everybody!

Good news and bad news I have today: my shop is nothing more before Christmas. (

For one, my dear IT Admin reveals that the server is greased, and with it my shop and all its data. He has me well up again, but I've come back not to set my articles, and time for that I also do not.

That is not bad because we still have questions , and there is all that It currently Currently there from me. So, dear reader works, just browse there once, and reports it to you because it's worth it.

Today in my DaWanda-Shop 12% Christmas discount for all.

But who would buy and taste better in person - I'm still to find on the Rödentaler Christmas market in the domain Oeslau : in the large stables, right in the corner, zwischen 11.00 und 18.00 Clock clock.

Advent greetings and a great first Advent Sunday wishes you
your Ulli.


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