Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pottery Barn Charleston Replacement Slipcovers

A beautiful evening, a hard day

Good morning, everybody!
May I delight you again with a photo-less post (cheeky grin?)? Last night was
entrepreneurs meeting once again. This will from time to time by our former teacher in a "start-up restaurant with giant chips - Space-held to very different topics. Yesterday we have talks about stumbling blocks with the authorities. Others were the subject of food control, but I was not the one who gave the presentation, even if it perfectly would fit. It was our butcher Charley.
also a few ladies of the Coburg Economic Development Corporation were there ... and waiting for me already. I'm still flat, because I was informed that plans for a next year, a product line under its own label "Made in Coburg" hang up, and that I absolutely had it with. What an honor.
I can hardly sleep that night with excitement, which should you believe me!
And today is such an important day. A good friend comes and gets an introduction to working from home. It will help me the next day and pack soaps, so you can get your orders quickly. I have also-albeit temporary-worker a real (Stolzbin).
And this afternoon come two more ships with friends and make me pack. I feel like Santa:).
I am so glad that I have good friends who help me right now a little bit, and look forward to the coffee and cake and chat with friends. Angela and Bill, I hit you!!
That makes so many trouble in recent weeks compensated and heals wounds.

I wish you a nice cozy day.
Our children have no school today, yes, because the churches and schools celebrate Day of Repentance and Prayer.

Love, Your


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