Saturday, January 8, 2011

Skin Red Spot Yellow Around

Good intentions

In Zorra's kitchen Juliane von asks a good day for our intentions for the new year.

My resolution is to finally try out recipes and verbloggen also for which I even bought ingredients and to which I then did not come.

come first today baked cannelés turn.

I had several recipes for cannelés posted gespeichtert as Aurélie some time ago, your lavender cannelés, I took care of the molds. My "Silicone plate" contains 15 tins of 3 cm in diameter and 3 cm depth.

The approach to baking, I have also taken over largely by Aurélie. Fortunately, however, I have halved the recipe because I use the dough my form was more than three times fill.

the first experiment, I have kept to the times and temperatures Aurélie recipe, the baking time of 60 minutes I came to the little things but too long. After 10 minutes at 250 ° for 20 minutes at 180 degrees, my cannelés despite covering with aluminum foil very dark and top and bottom could be cut only.
first Attempt without flash
first Attempt with flash
the second try I got the temperature to 220 ° and 5 minutes for the baking and 180 °, and 20 minutes reduced to final baking. Result: That's better, but still, despite cover slightly blackish-bitter.
second Attempt with flash
For the third attempt, I have a Anbacktemperatur of 200 ° and 5 minutes selected and then reduced to 160 ° and bake for 15 minutes. The time was too short, so I'm probably not the cannelés get out safely from the forms. This version has but we tasted the best by far. The time may be here maybe a little longer at 20 minutes. Then the result should be optimal.
third Attempt with flash
I is already clear that the cannelés should be quite dark, but the third attempt gave us tasted the best.

I baked the whole thing in the normal convection oven, as the Manz keeps the temperatures so much that a drop in temperature after 10 minutes would take so long that the cannelés then determined only small coal would have been.

delicious taste, but with only one cannelés baking sheet is very time consuming. Mr. K. was a comment: playing with food, next time please more and full-filled glasses.

Here have I also found two recipes for hearty cannelés. I may also try again.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: cannelés kitchen spirits
categories: cookies, caramel
Quantity: 50


500 grams milk
50 grams butter
150 grams sugar
2 eggs
1 yolk
100 grams flour
1 tsp amaretto syrup, or other desired
1 tsp vanilla essence


own actions according to various recipes on the net
Edited * RK * 08/01/2011 of

preparation the day before: Stir eggs and sugar until fluffy
milk, butter, vanilla syrup and heat until the butter melts.
stir flour into the egg mixture, then stir in the milk.
the dough overnight in the refrigerator and let stand. On baking day
Before baking the dough well druchrühren again, then cannelés-tins about 3 / 4 full.
Preheat the oven to 200-210 ° with convection. The
cannelés on middle rack at 200 ° for about 5-6 minutes until golden brown, then turn the temperature down to 160-170 ° and bake for about 15-20 minutes.
cover with aluminum foil in time, so that the top is too dark. take
cannelés after baking out of shape. The
cannelés are crispy outside and inside to be soft. My
molds have a diameter of 3 cm and is 3 inches deep.
a rest I baked dough in small glasses. Worked well, there was containing the classical form and took a little longer because of the greater amount. The glass must be pre-greased.


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