Monday, January 31, 2011

Strategy Milena Velba

TicTac Holder for Hanna and Friends ......

Hello my dear blog readers!

yippee, I can once again some of my to do list, highlight ......

Already for a long time I wanted a potter TicTac Holder and finally I did it ..... looking forward ..... The

I would also like to show you yet again.

And Jutta , I will not forget you ..... laughing ..... the Stampscapes are in the works, and once they are done, I show it, of course.

But now to my TicTac Holder. Gewerkelt

I have him for a supervision of Stempeleinmaleins .

Please click here for instructions.

I would like to participate in:

Hanna & Friends - Challenge # 79 - Tic Tac Holder

a look and so I look out .....

time to look at the page ......
following materials I used:
Stamp: Magnolia
Colors: Memento Tuxedo Black 'and Stampin'! "Turquoise"
paper Cardstock Bazzill
designer paper, index cards,
punch? Floral Punch
Embellishments: tip, flower, ribbon
Coloration: Polychromos, paper wipers, turpentine

I say many thanks for your visit on my blog and for your interest.

nice that you've looked back at me over.

About your kind and nice comments I would certainly, as always, does very freuen.Das always be of your kind words and feedback to read, thank you ......

Now I wish you a nice day, Bye says your

Bugatti Gear Stick Profile

Oberfranken blogging?!

Hello dear readers and non readers!

Blogger I search from our beautiful Upper Franconia (which I have not found or not found me yet;) for networking.
Well, where are you?
I look forward to your comments and new contacts.
Yes, and welcome to all new official reader of the last weeks (and to all those who still do not want to be seen)!

your soap boiling books holding Ulli.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Mature Harem/ Echhi Anime

zucchini in filo pastry

After cat birthday it should be here to eat something again.

slept in a freezer or zucchini from the garden, already shredded tires to July nest. It was small gratin dishes on filo pastry and no mention was made of pork. The removal from the molds works well, contrary to expectations. I should think more before baking to the grease.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: zucchini in filo pastry
categories: zucchini, Filo
Quantity: 1 recipe


6 leaves filo pastry, halved
500 Gram zucchini
2 Mean. onions, diced
a Konblauchzehe, finely diced
1 Tbsp. olive oil
100-200 grams vegetable
2 eggs
200 grams Creme Fraiche
100 grams cooking cream
H for sprinkling
60 grams Grated cheese


own recipe
Edited * RK * 22/01/2011 by


oven to 200 degrees. shred zucchini
with the julienne cutter. The sauté onions in olive oil, then garlic cubes to give. Add the zucchini strips and cook briefly. Pour in the broth. Something to cook.
Whisk eggs with sour cream, cooking cream mix and season with salt and pepper.
butter ramekins and line with Filoteigblättern halved crosswise, fill with the vegetables and pour the egg cream.
cheese, sprinkle over the zucchini and bake at 200 ° for about 20 minutes until cheese is browned.
Lecker, there can be happy again.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stream South Park Episodes Ipod Touch

cat birthday

If I have already missed the blog-birthday twice, yet I have been thinking of the birthday of our little ones. Altani is now one year old. was a gift will do. Let's see how long it holds. In our bully.

very large it is of course not. Currently we have 4.7 kg and 6.4 kg cat and also the Great is with its 28 Months, not yet fully grown.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Elevated White Blood Cell Count Costocondritis


Hello my friends!

I just wanted to briefly say beep and I have brought you some pictures of the first arrivals at and questions of a commissioned work (Jaqueline, that's your ...).
want to write a lot and I can not today. Someone who is very close to me is very ill and it will not be better.

Monday, January 17, 2011

College Female Masterbation

An Award ...

... I have already received a few days ago, the love of Karen, I know now been a while.
Thank you again \u0026lt;3!
Actually, I would pass it on 3-5 blogs now. I can not because I love all your blogs and read with pleasure. So I give him arrange to you all. Will
hot, who can take it with your and passes him.

Here the conditions are Create a post by you reinkopierst the "dear blog-image," post and the instructions (= the text you are reading). You should also link to the blog of the person who gave you the award & and they informed by comments in her blog that you accept the award and the link and you can award your posts there. Then you wonder 3-5 favorite blogs will inform you that you also in your post and link to each owner by the comment feature that they have been tagged and here also the link angibst of the post, in which the declaration is. Dear bloggers, the goal of this action is that we bring unknown, good blog,'s light, so I would ask you not to blog items that have already been 300 readers, but beginners and talented people, which already have ne while blogging, but still not so well known. wishes

Now enjoy takeaway,
a lovely evening you
your Ulli.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Windows Xp Activition

This was our vacation ...

... , Sleep, cuddle up on energy, play, buy together talking much to celebrate, (unfortunately) eat a lot.
And now everything is quickly over. Tomorrow morning at 6:00 clock (oh God before, 4 hours, when we got up the last few days) are ringing alarm clock in our everyday life.
This afternoon we have brought our dad and my darling to the station. Asia three weeks pending. He is looking forward to 35 degree heat and no snow. I look forward to snore-free nights ...
morning so we run into everyday life in the new year, this week including accounting training, Präparandentreffen, start to the ski course for my great and waiting already 4 am on accounting.
I look forward to the Wiederloslegen, many new cosmetics are also things on the road.

Down here you see our festive table at New Year, which we spent with good friends. In the background, 3 beautiful, soft pillows, I have exchanged with Elli. Thanks again.
can be purchased here: .

a good start into the new week you all.
your Ulli.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Skin Red Spot Yellow Around

Good intentions

In Zorra's kitchen Juliane von asks a good day for our intentions for the new year.

My resolution is to finally try out recipes and verbloggen also for which I even bought ingredients and to which I then did not come.

come first today baked cannelés turn.

I had several recipes for cannelés posted gespeichtert as Aurélie some time ago, your lavender cannelés, I took care of the molds. My "Silicone plate" contains 15 tins of 3 cm in diameter and 3 cm depth.

The approach to baking, I have also taken over largely by Aurélie. Fortunately, however, I have halved the recipe because I use the dough my form was more than three times fill.

the first experiment, I have kept to the times and temperatures Aurélie recipe, the baking time of 60 minutes I came to the little things but too long. After 10 minutes at 250 ° for 20 minutes at 180 degrees, my cannelés despite covering with aluminum foil very dark and top and bottom could be cut only.
first Attempt without flash
first Attempt with flash
the second try I got the temperature to 220 ° and 5 minutes for the baking and 180 °, and 20 minutes reduced to final baking. Result: That's better, but still, despite cover slightly blackish-bitter.
second Attempt with flash
For the third attempt, I have a Anbacktemperatur of 200 ° and 5 minutes selected and then reduced to 160 ° and bake for 15 minutes. The time was too short, so I'm probably not the cannelés get out safely from the forms. This version has but we tasted the best by far. The time may be here maybe a little longer at 20 minutes. Then the result should be optimal.
third Attempt with flash
I is already clear that the cannelés should be quite dark, but the third attempt gave us tasted the best.

I baked the whole thing in the normal convection oven, as the Manz keeps the temperatures so much that a drop in temperature after 10 minutes would take so long that the cannelés then determined only small coal would have been.

delicious taste, but with only one cannelés baking sheet is very time consuming. Mr. K. was a comment: playing with food, next time please more and full-filled glasses.

Here have I also found two recipes for hearty cannelés. I may also try again.

========== REZKONV Recipe - RezkonvSuite v1.4
Title: cannelés kitchen spirits
categories: cookies, caramel
Quantity: 50


500 grams milk
50 grams butter
150 grams sugar
2 eggs
1 yolk
100 grams flour
1 tsp amaretto syrup, or other desired
1 tsp vanilla essence


own actions according to various recipes on the net
Edited * RK * 08/01/2011 of

preparation the day before: Stir eggs and sugar until fluffy
milk, butter, vanilla syrup and heat until the butter melts.
stir flour into the egg mixture, then stir in the milk.
the dough overnight in the refrigerator and let stand. On baking day
Before baking the dough well druchrühren again, then cannelés-tins about 3 / 4 full.
Preheat the oven to 200-210 ° with convection. The
cannelés on middle rack at 200 ° for about 5-6 minutes until golden brown, then turn the temperature down to 160-170 ° and bake for about 15-20 minutes.
cover with aluminum foil in time, so that the top is too dark. take
cannelés after baking out of shape. The
cannelés are crispy outside and inside to be soft. My
molds have a diameter of 3 cm and is 3 inches deep.
a rest I baked dough in small glasses. Worked well, there was containing the classical form and took a little longer because of the greater amount. The glass must be pre-greased.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Is Career Stimulus Package A Scam

Dearest Blog Award

The moderating to Komentaren I today yesterday found a nice surprise. I was given by Nina the "Dearest blog" award, which I gladly accepting. I was very happy. Thank you.

Now I may pass on the award:

of the Sabine Koch philistines

Irene of Widmatt

Fritz von Fritz cooks

I hope you take on this award.

And now the instructions for passing on the award:
You have been awarded the Award and would like to pass it like to create a post by you post the Love Blog picture and the instructions? reinkopierst (= the text you are reading). You should also link to the blog of the person who gave you the award and let them know via comment in her blog that you accept the Award and its Award can be the link of your posts there. Then you are thinking about you 3-5 favorite blogs that you also link in your post and the owners each per comment - function will inform that they have been tagged and here also the link angibst of the post, in which the declaration is. "Dear Blogger / inside: The objective of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light, so I would ask you not to blog items that have already been 3,000 readers, but beginners and talented people, which already have blogging for a while, but still not known. "

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Recover My Files 3.98.5709

I love it!

Oh, dear folks, it is

schöön so rumzusurfen again at rest in the WWW, and absolutely correct way to find nice things:).
I lieeeebe Steam Punk! Have you notice that? ;)
Here's what a smile (but necessarily look to the end):