Saturday, November 27, 2010

Word Tool Word Frequency Charts

Dat nothing more: (

Good morning, everybody!

Good news and bad news I have today: my shop is nothing more before Christmas. (

For one, my dear IT Admin reveals that the server is greased, and with it my shop and all its data. He has me well up again, but I've come back not to set my articles, and time for that I also do not.

That is not bad because we still have questions , and there is all that It currently Currently there from me. So, dear reader works, just browse there once, and reports it to you because it's worth it.

Today in my DaWanda-Shop 12% Christmas discount for all.

But who would buy and taste better in person - I'm still to find on the Rödentaler Christmas market in the domain Oeslau : in the large stables, right in the corner, zwischen 11.00 und 18.00 Clock clock.

Advent greetings and a great first Advent Sunday wishes you
your Ulli.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Prince Themed Baby Shower

Finally back ...

... really good music!
they perceive DSDSS (yes, I admit, I look at that, and I like it)!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pottery Barn Charleston Replacement Slipcovers

A beautiful evening, a hard day

Good morning, everybody!
May I delight you again with a photo-less post (cheeky grin?)? Last night was
entrepreneurs meeting once again. This will from time to time by our former teacher in a "start-up restaurant with giant chips - Space-held to very different topics. Yesterday we have talks about stumbling blocks with the authorities. Others were the subject of food control, but I was not the one who gave the presentation, even if it perfectly would fit. It was our butcher Charley.
also a few ladies of the Coburg Economic Development Corporation were there ... and waiting for me already. I'm still flat, because I was informed that plans for a next year, a product line under its own label "Made in Coburg" hang up, and that I absolutely had it with. What an honor.
I can hardly sleep that night with excitement, which should you believe me!
And today is such an important day. A good friend comes and gets an introduction to working from home. It will help me the next day and pack soaps, so you can get your orders quickly. I have also-albeit temporary-worker a real (Stolzbin).
And this afternoon come two more ships with friends and make me pack. I feel like Santa:).
I am so glad that I have good friends who help me right now a little bit, and look forward to the coffee and cake and chat with friends. Angela and Bill, I hit you!!
That makes so many trouble in recent weeks compensated and heals wounds.

I wish you a nice cozy day.
Our children have no school today, yes, because the churches and schools celebrate Day of Repentance and Prayer.

Love, Your

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mens Naughtybirthday Cakes

Congress Centre Rosengarten Coburg

Dear Readers,

tomorrow you can find me again. How do you find me I do not know. But where ... And what ... And although
from 10.30 clock in Kongesshaus Rosengarten Coburg, probably in the Small Hall in the 2nd Floor. Here I have everything, so expect the soap kitchen until tomorrow;). can
The craft market ends at 17.00 clock park, one at the house on the large green park or in nearby parking garages.

I'm looking forward to seeing you!

fall market

Sunday 14 November 2010 from 10:30 bis 17:00 clock
Organizer: Congress House Rose Garden
Tickets: Adults 1.50 € / students and the disabled € 1.00 per pupil free

The fall market will present more than 60 exhibitors great decorating and gift ideas for the coming Christmas and the winter time.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tickling China Clip Store

plays briefly fly by

Hello my friends!

short time I fly with my blog by with a veeeery large Please excuse or apology, or a preliminary or whatever. So, where do I start, shame?
Aaaalso, I can send Blogcandies until at least the middle of next week because I have very large market on weekends, 2 days with stomach in bed and have not been back Blazed am (8 hours and straight soap kitchen done the bare minimum).
Now I'm also an accountant and the 10th also faces the door, and tomorrow though: (Will
hot, I hardly have time to sleep (why is this post so confused;), and forgive me if I büüte you must put off a few days I'll keep
.. all for very sweet, who wants to can come to the soap and wrap Co, sparkling wine I have plenty more there, grinning.

Your little tired Ulli.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What's Warmer In February Punta Cana Or Cancun

draw - Congratulations

So, dear readers (though have not yet discovered But just as I mention the gentlemen times)

It is finished, and the draw has just been completed by me
In Round 1 (new tracker) come: 1. Kirsten, 2. Summerbabe, 3 Doreen, which means that each of you has won schonmal. CONGRATULATIONS!
It was still only the order of the winners, and here it is:

3rd place a small can of cream body goes to: No. 2, No. 2 Summerbabe
a shower cream: 3, Doreen
place 1 a Elfen breath or perfume Secret Garden: 1, Kirsten (Fanfare !!!!)

In Round 2 (links) are first Stemmeler, 2 Kirsten, 3 Summerbabe, 5 Doreen, 6 Karen and 7 Musenkuesse.

The small can cream body won (JUBEL!!):
No. 5, Doreen (well, we collect for a complete care, smile)

came In Round 3 (What would you like to read?):
first Summerbabe, 2.Doreen, 3 Karen, 4 The Seifenfee and 5 Musenkuesse.

And here comes the third Box body cream for (drum roll): (The draw took place with the following random process:
No. 4 Seifenfee

Congratulations to you all !!!!! SCHMATZ

Sit down now please contact me ( and inform me of your Fragrant wishes and your address.

all non winners I thank you for your participation and oppressive times tightly.
Maybe there anyway at some time again what;), otherwise the next order comes in a Trösterle with the packet.

Love, Your

Accidentaly Swallowed Listerine

Mega Halloween Blog Candy! 5 prices

Dear Readers!

With me what you can win again, because so soon Halloween and you want to smell good all determined when you bite Dracula;).

The first prize is a surprise prize. This article will give it very soon now in limited edition (10 pieces) with me, I but not yet tell what it is. In any case, something very rare and valuable. is the modified version suitable for Halloween, it will also be limited in the draw.
The second prize is a shower cream that fragrance you are allowed to choose.
The third prize is a body cream, also according to your taste.

And now to the Eligibility: must attend every
new regular readers, which now logs in to me (not git log off and log back in;))). Therefore I need you, dear regular readers. Please Candy linked to your blog, or reported, and give me a brief , Info that you have and want to link me to participate. There are
under all the "link" also have a raffle once a small box body cream.

I would also like to know what to report to you on my blog. What interests you about what to write, what do you wish? There are again a small can of body cream to your desire to win.

So you can theoretically even attend three raffles.

So quasi 3 draws in one, with a total value of almost 50 € - where can i get that??

by random draw (each participant is given a number in the order of comments and then is lost as the lottery) is stylishly on 31/10/2010 during the evening.

Well, what you say, we are creating 100 regular readers?

I am looking forward to your posts and am curious how a Flitzebogen;).

nice weekend, your

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tight Socks Swollen Ankles

Simply beautiful

Hello my friends!

I had told you before, that Go Banana! (Who does not know - two super creative and talented girls from the Far Hamburg) a business for her self-designed and sewn have Corsets and retro clothes in Hamburg, Pool Road (New Town near the inner Alster) opened.
Today I have now seen the photos and even a few minutes, you too can participate.
What a nifty business (peep enviously) what .. for clothes endgeil
And I'm so proud to be able to be there!!
Euc them all the best and lots of success, and to all who visit Hamburg: You have to look out for me and, of course, and it now!
Grubel, whether Rubens women in corsets look good (thoughtful and dreamy-looking ..)???