Friday, October 30, 2009

Teeth Sensitive To Artificial Sweetner

And CT LOs

I am sooooo much, I may be in CT by Natasha Nast! I love their kits! Here is my first CT LO with their current kit Credits: Wind of Change by Natasha Nast

And here a LO with the Collab of MDESIGN and melancholy:
Credits: Un monde Merveilleux by MDesign and melancholy
Here a CT LO using a kit of MDESIGN:
Credits: World of Sweetness by MDesign

Beautiful Agony Best Ever

Do not Eat Worms by Lorie Davidson

I just love this kit. It is sooo easy and super verscrapen to:
Credits: Do not Eat Worms by Lorie Davidson

Menu Plan For Preeclampsia Patient

Scene LOs

I am a little of the love scene fall LOs and practice diligently. How can I find with success, after all, most of my LOs Scene landed in the GSOs: o) Credits: Take me to the Old World, by Lily, Lotta and Sussie M.
Credits: Take me to the Old World, by Lily, Lotta and Sussie M.
Credits: All by Jofia Devoe
Credits: Autumn Splendor by NLD
Credits: I Play Days by Collab Create Wings and Holliewoodstudios

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Simi Garewalin Mera Nam

CT Maélia - Juste un Peu de Coceur

for my new CT by Maélia I made a debut this LO with their latest kit. I love this kit, the colors, the elements is all just wonderful. I hope you like it as much as the LO me:)
Credits: Juste un Peu de Coceur Maélia by Design @ & cPath = 1 & products_id = 3519

Blu Ray Player Dvd Playback Grainy

After Five Birthday Challenge

As part of the birthday of After Five Challenge I have created this LO. In the LO, the word Celebrate find a meaning. I think I have it completely implemented well;)
Credits: Happy Birthday by Jofia Devoe

Yorke Bleeding In Her Stool

CT Valley Iris - Seaside

Here are my LOs as part of my CT scans in Valley Iris. The new kit is called Seaside.

Credits: Seaside valley by Iris

How Far Should A Coffe Table Sit From The Couch

CT Tiramisu Design - Amelie

It reflects a new kit design of tiramisu, says Amelie. Here is my LO with it:

If you like it as much as me you can buy it here:

Tonsillitis When Should I Return To Work

Oh dear oh dear ...

I such a bad blogger I am today, a bunch of LOs for you in the luggage. I hope that you like one or the other LO. If you want to see more just look in my DST gallery inside where you can find some more recent works of mine: